Category Archives: Databases

Flashback @MariaDB 10.3.8

Neverending story. Commited changes need to be rollback. Some vendors are not resolving this situation at all (stupidity of user is not their problem, indeed), some are providing solutions (Oracle). One of the latest news from MariaDB (10.2) was adding … Continue reading

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PostgreSQL 9.5 First Impression

There are many ways how one can be impressed by software product. Size of package, company/community promotion, installer functions + user/friendly UI, etc. I like PostgreSQL, no doubt about it – so let’s check how is it packed by Enterprise … Continue reading

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PostgreSQL’s inspiring…

With no doubt PostgreSQL really can be „the World’s most advanced open-source database. At least, this database  inspired many developers to adjust it for their purposes. Tiny article, link collector 😉

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DB2 10.5.6 – db2val failing afer fresh install

That feeling you have brand new version. Very common setup, after install steps. And surprise!! db2val is yelling „discrepancies found“! 🙂

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DB2 – Transparent Data Encryption (DB2 10.5.5 on SLES12)

I was involved in software evaluation focused on TDE (Oracle, SQLServer, DB2) few months ago. I was really surprised that DB2 was lacking this feature within database package and it was needed to use another IBM product. With 10.5.5 version … Continue reading

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Lightning MariaDB install (Manjaro openbox 0.8.11)


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TokuDB 7.5.3 (MySQL 5.5.40) on Oracle Linux 6.6

Fascinated by fractal trees? Astonished by TokuDB storage engine? Watching new trends where MySQL/MariaDB serves as baseline and competitive advantages are based on storage engines? Welcome! 🙂

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db2setup – invalid hostname in a first setup window

„The host name ‚myHost‘ is invalid. Ensure the host name resolves to a valid ip address. Specify a valid host name and rerun the command.“ = loopback is not associated with hostname. Solution =


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Master-master replication (MariaDB on Manjaro)

Sometimes it’s very useful to skip well-known master-slave replication scenario and focus on master-master possibility 🙂

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DB2 – „Virtual storage or database resource is not available“ error

Default DB2 DB and DBM variables are set pretty well and logical. The only manual adjusting can occur when you’re trying to overload transactions a bit. For example by copying tables.

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Oracle Database install on Oracle Linux 6.5 (x64)

There are installing processes that I really do love (DB2) and on the other side there are install processes which I really hate (Oracle Database). Bright and dark side of database software in linux world. Let´s uncover one of the … Continue reading

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Change data directory – MariaDB 10.0.x

One of most valuable thing is good documentation – for common database actions. I didn´t find any well documented step-by-step guide to change data directory in MariaDB, Debian environment. Please be aware that this one guide is not perfect and … Continue reading

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MariaDB 10.x install – Debian 7.4 x64

As Debian is still using MySQL in default, there are very few steps to install MariaDB 10.x…

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Change data directory – PostgreSQL

Useful and common task, should be well documented. Let´s try it! Debian 7.4 x64, PostgreSQL 9.3.2

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DB2 data sampling

Sometimes it would be very helpful to have a chance gather sample values. What if rownum limitation affects quality of records? What if the main table logic is residental in the middle of huge table? Welcome to data sampling world … Continue reading

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